Monday, November 15, 2010

Tour Guide Kate

Yesterday was blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I spent the whole day in bed, writing my Shakespeare paper for Jean's class this week. I finished it, which is great, but it took forever. I'm feeling good about this one, though; hopefully Jean feels the same!

Up bright and early this morning because the Hendrix Director of Admissions was visiting London and wanted to hear more about the program that I'm enrolled in! She was my boss last year (or more like my boss' boss, I guess) when I interned in Admissions, so Dr. King enlisted me to join them while they wandered around London this morning. We went down and checked out Westminster and Parliament and Buckingham Palace (which was great because I hadn't been there yet! I know: travesty). After the crappy weather weekend we had, today was bright and beautiful. Cold, but sunny and clear.

St. James' Park

London Eye from St. James'

Fountain in front of Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

London Eye

War Memorial (it really covers all of the wars, but was built specifically for WWI). The poppy wreaths are for Remembrance Day, 11/11. Since the beginning of the month, everyone has been wearing poppy pins on their coats and lapels, "Lest We Forget." Big deal here.

Side of the memorial.
 We had a good long walk through the park, went past 10 Downing Street and the Horse Guards Parade and along Whitehall. Lovely morning constitutional. We headed back towards Bloomsbury to meet up with some of the other students for lunch; Laura wanted to hear all about our experience here, and to get first-hand info about the program. We ate at a little Italian place on Hendrix's dime (YES!), and then she walked back with us to check out the living situations. After checking out the flat, I walked her back to her hotel and said our goodbyes. Lovely walk, lovely lunch, lovely person. Good day so far.

Getting ready to start reading A Man for All Seasons for class on Thursday, and then probably will work a little bit more on my Barnaby presentation. Hopefully finish that tonight. We'll see!

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