Sunday, November 14, 2010

Platform 9 and 3/4

I FINALLY WENT! For all of you Harry Potter nerds out there, Platform 9 3/4 is located in King's Cross Train Station here in London, and it's the "fictional" train platform that only magical beings (like witches and wizards) can access. Except that London, in the spirit of embracing J.K. Rowling's magical world, posted a sign for 9 3/4 in King's Cross! So Erin, Hillary, Dingle and I went this morning to check it out...

Hey, 9 and 3/4

Erin, Dingle and Hillary
After going to King's Cross, we came back to the flat and I got to skype with M&D. My microphone wasn't working properly, so I got to type with video capabilities while they got to actually speak to me, but it was still nice to get to talk to them.

Went to dinner with the boys at a pub called The Rocket over by King's Cross (passed it this afternoon on the walk back from 9 3/4), and had a burger and beer for 5.95 pounds. Win :)

Been hanging out all night with the boys (Hayes, John and Jack). Nick and Chase are in Marseilles and Ruthie is in Florence with her mom. Been youtube-ing random videos and just shooting the shit. A good, low-key night. Dancing didn't happen, but I'm OK with it. Hanging out is OK for tonight. More homeworking tomorrow night.

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