Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pub Quiz FAIL

Dr. King ditched us. But, in fairness, I don't think that he would've been THAT much help on this particular week's pub quiz. Our old friends from pub quiz two weeks ago were back, and Chase, Mandi and I sat at the table next to them. We passed ridicule and jokes back and forth across the table for the entirety of the quiz. It was nice. Kinda like Christmas with the Duffys :) Anyway, both of our teams performed abysmally in tonight's quiz, and we've high hopes to do better next week. Or at least less embarrassingly bad.

When I returned to the flat, I had a lovely chat with my best friend growing up, Jenna! It was SO GOOD to catch up even a little tiny bit with her, and it steeled me for the reading that I have ahead of me. On that note, good night; back to it.

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