Thursday, November 4, 2010


This is a great post title, I just want to congratulate myself. And it's relevant.

Both of my direct roommates (the girls who sleep in the same room as me, as opposed to my flatmates) are traveling this weekend. Which means I have a room to myself. Which means, obviously, that I will be having solo naked dance parties this weekend in my room. As anyone who has ever lived with me (or been my friend in college) knows, I have a laissez faire attitude about clothing. Keep the important bits covered up, and from there it's all about being comfy. So my roommates (who realized before I did that I would have the room to myself this weekend) have been teasing me about the naked dancing that will happen in their absence.

During a break in today's class, the naked dancing concept was mentioned. Dr. King heard and discreetly ignored it. That is, until he could tie it into the class discussion of Riddley Walker (which happened surprisingly quickly), at which point he definitely mentioned naked dancing. In fairness, it really did relate. We were talking about how the scientists in RW's world would get together and have a giant naked dance party to try and unlock the secrets of nuclear fission (I am not kidding. Read it and you'll see). So that's the plan for this weekend. Naked dancing turned nuclear fission brainstorm session. It's going to rock.

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