Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dinner Date with the Profs

So we leave London in 8 days. Crazy. Because we leave in 8 days, and those last few days are completely bogged down by tests and papers, we had our going away dinner tonight at a little Greek place nearby. It was nice. I had swordfish. Nothing too exciting except that I may have convinced Jean to hold the second half of class tomorrow in the pub down the street. And I made plans with Susie to meet at the same pub after she finishes teaching next Tuesday. WOO!

Update Morocco: the name of the beach on day two was Cru Cru Beach. Charlie posted this disgusting picture of me, and I feel that I should share it with all of you.

Gross. But I'm riding on Scooby the Camel, AND carrying a surf board. Which is cool.

Since I had such an amazing time, I figure I can do my part by advertising Snow or Sand to all of you :)
That's all for now.

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