Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Surf's Up, Dudes!

So this is a dramatic moment for me, and it took a lot of effort to resist titling this post in caps, and writing something different, but here it is: I'M GOING TO MOROCCO FOR THE WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you tell I'm excited??? How this came about. I've been wanting to go to Morocco (brief geography lesson: Morocco is on the Northwest(Ignore the fact that this said east a few moments ago, and chalk it up to my frenzied excitement)ern-most tip of Africa) all break. People have been telling me how neat it is, and one of the girls from my swim team at Hendrix who did this program last year went and said it was fantastic. So I've been wanting to go all semester, but kept nixing it because cost was so prohibitive; I didn't want to spend up all my money and then not be able to travel the rest of the semester because I blew it on one weekend! Anyway, one of Dad's Rules of Travel was don't travel alone to countries where you don't speak the language already (blah blah, it's my money, I'm an adult, whatever. I wasn't going to Morocco with out M&D's blessing. And I still listen to Dad's opinion on important things. Like impending zombie attacks). Good rule, as my good friend KP said to me today. Anyway, no one who's on this program with me wanted to spend the money to go to Morocco (I can't say that I blame them when we've got plenty of other really cool places practically on our doorstep, but it was still something that I wanted to do), so I had to come up with a way around Dad's rule (AKA a way that I could go to Morocco and not be traveling alone) and, lo and behold, I found a travel group to do it with!

So I'm going to Morocco on Thursday (flying in and out of Marrakech), staying til Sunday, and supposedly doing all kinds of cool things. Like learning how to surf. And riding a camel. And having a traditional Moroccan meal and tea service. And going to the spice market. And having a spa treatment. And BEING IN MOROCCO. The program that I'm traveling with has a house in Agadir, so that's where I'll be. It's on the Atlantic coast, so it may get a wee bit chilly, but thankfully they're supplying us with wetsuits. You know, for our surf lessons :)

The way I see it, even if this whole program is a bust, I'LL BE IN MOROCCO. Flights booked, program booked, I'm going, baby!

In less exciting news (but still somewhat exciting. It just really pales in comparison to MOROCCO), I finished up reading A Man for All Seasons last night, and went to the library today to get the last of my research done for my Barnaby presentation (which I'm now finished preparing as well). And then I've spent most of the evening freaking out about this trip and trying and, thank God, succeeding, at making it all work. Classes tomorrow to get through, probably will try to swim in the evening to wear myself out, and then gotta be at the airport bright and early for an 8am flight on Thursday (already told Dr. King that I'll be missing class, don't you fret). So now, on to work out how I'm getting to the airport!

PS I wish you could see the huge, goofy grin on my face as I've written all this :)

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