Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Football vs Soccer

When I was in Ireland, my cousin Bert informed me that the Irish (some of them at least) call soccer, "soccer," not "football" because "football" is used for Gaelic football. So since he told me that, I never know what to call soccer/football. If you call it soccer, you risk being ridiculed as a stupid American who doesn't know that it's called football, and if you call it football, you risk being ridiculed as a stupid American who's trying too hard. OR you risk confusion with Gaelic football (less likely than ridicule for trying too hard, but still a potential outcome). So there's really no winning. The point of this description of my current conundrum is that I'm going to a football/soccer game tonight!

Dr. King was trying to get us tickets to a Premiere League game (the top-tier teams), but they were way expensive, so we got tickets to the Queen's Park Rangers, a sort of second-tier team. BUT, important fact, QPR and the team they're playing are first and second in their league so that game should be awesome, too. Anyway, some of the boys and I wanted to go to a Premiere League game even though it was going to be more expensive, so we bought tickets on our own. I mean, think of hooliganism and all that lovely fun stuff, and that's what we're hoping to find tonight at the game! No brawls, hopefully, but I'll pack my brass knuckles just in case.

In other news, winter has officially arrived. It's been rainy and cold the last 2 or 3 days, and today was no different. We're probably going to freeze our butts off tonight, but it'll be worth it. Hopefully. And if nothing else, it's going to be an experience. WOOOOOO!

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