Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Harrods and the Weekend of Nothing

Harrod's was far and away the high point of my adventures this weekend. High point of the weekend itself was spending a large portion of it in my PJs.

Saturday afternoon was spent at Harrod's. Hayes and I basically just wandered around and pretended we were affianced so that we could look at the jewel-encrusted Wedgewood without feeling too out of place. Got some excellent gelato (hazelnut for me because it's the best), and a loaf of REAL BREAD. That was my best decision of the weekend. I take breaks from couch potatoing to eat more of it. Will probably have to go back for more. And then we wandered some more and debated the relative value of being a real Harrod's shopper. What do I mean by a real Harrod's shopper? One who would buy a 6 ft tall bear for their children, like one of these:

I mean, they only cost 1900 pounds! Such value!
 We spent some hours there, but it was finally time to leave. It was starting to get dark, and I get hungry when it gets dark, and the food hall was WAY too tempting for my own good. So we left. Or tried to. My Oyster card (it's a travel card you register to get if you're going to be in London for any length of time. It basically halves your ticket price for tube rides, and you add money to it whenever funds get low. Definitely worth the 5 minutes it takes to fill out the registration form) was being DIFFICULT. First it wouldn't scan, then the machine that I waited for 10 minutes to top up (add funds) at WOULDN'T SCAN, and then, after I waited in line for the one person that was working and added money, the scanner wouldn't scan it AGAIN. The nice security lady let me through, though, and all was well. Technology can be supremely frustrating.

Did nothing Saturday night, just hung out and watched tv (we think. Hayes and Jack are trying to help me remember, but we've done so much of nothing that it's all beginning to run together).

Sunday morning (read: afternoon) I got to talk to the Momma and the Poppa. We discussed turkey preparation methods. See, we're going to have a Thanksgiving feast, but no one wanted to make the turkey. Some people even wanted to nix the whole turkey and just get turkey breast, but that made my heart hurt. So I volunteered to make the turkey. Unfortunately, I've never solo-prepared a turkey, so M&D and I had a good long chat about how to best accomplish this. Which had the unfortunate side-effect of making me REALLY want some turkey. I quashed this urge by going to the grocery store and enquiring about ordering a 20lb turkey so that we've got one for the big day. Grocery store guy took my number (to call about the turkey. And a date. But he doesn't know about the date part yet. Just kidding... kinda), and I headed back to HQ.

Watched movies/tv with the boys last night (again, a whole lotta nothing), and then Hillary returned! One roommate back, one to go.

Woke up this morning and was productive! I finished reading Riddley Walker, finalized the official proposal for my major and sent it in to my advisor back at school, and started working on a paper for Dr. King's class. Feeling pretty good about things. Now I'm hungry though, and since I've done all this work, my eyes are hurting from staring at the computer screen all day. So over and out!

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