Sunday, October 3, 2010

Rocks: Big and Tall

Thursday's class was pretty interesting. We're discussing "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, so our whole class was about genetic engineering and the nature of "true" happiness. Got pretty philosophical, but I enjoyed it. My brain hurt a little bit after class, but it was nice to stretch myself a bit, and to try and work out exactly why I have the opinions I have about happiness. And it was interesting to consider what freedoms we would be willing to give up for happiness. Or a facade of happiness. And whether or not happiness is just caused by chemicals in your brain, or if it's something much more amorphous. And how emotion is affected by environment. And development is impacted by environment. And these are all really vague ideas that are just popping into my head while I'm mentally recapping class, so feel free to skip down to the next paragraph.

Thursday night we WENT CLUBBING! It really wasn't that glamorous though. Basically went to the College Arms to check in with Jemma, found out that she wasn't feeling well and wouldn't be joining us at the club, and then split up (only Ruthie, Jack, Hayes and I ended up going... everyone else wimped out and said that they would get our reviews before going themselves). Even with just the four of us, it was soo much fun. With just a 1 pound cover charge it was easily affordable, and when we got inside EVERYTHING was covered in animal prints. Could anyone ask for more? The place is called Moonlighting (honestly, you should just check out the website for yourself. it's that good. and it's billed as "London's premiere soul clubs." Seriously, it just gets better and better. In any event, we had a stellar time and will definitely be going back there.

Friday morning was an early one. We had one of our school-paid day trips, this one to Salisbury and STONEHENGE! Of course it was a miserable rainy day, but I still loved it. Pulling up in our sweet cozy bus and seeing this massive stone formation was pretty intense. I was a bit worried that we'd get there and be pretty blase about it all, but I think going on a rainy day helped, mostly because we weren't trying to shove our way through crowds, and also because it gave this pretty eerie quality to the surrounding country. It was moving.

No people! Big rocks.
Everyone but me and Dr. King

Me and the Big Rocks

Dr. King's tried-and-true method for hearing around your hood on a rainy day: just poke your ear out!
After leaving Stonehenge, we went to the town of Salisbury to check out the tallest spire in England (and the tallest Medieval spire in the world!). We had a few hours to kill before our tours started, and since it was miserable weather we went to grab some lunch at a pub called the Wig & Quill. Had some really good bangers and mash (three different kinds of sausage: boar, minty lamb (gross), and plain pork), and enjoyed the Trivial Pursuit game that they had. Headed towards the Cathedral and went for an hour and a half tour of the Cathedral itself, and got to climb up to the base of the spire for some really gorgeous views of the surrounding countryside.
Tall rocks at the Salisbury Cathedral
The main reason that this spire has lasted so long, we learned, is that it's made from rock while so many others built in its time were made from just wood (and then got struck by lightning and burned down). The trip up to the base of the spire was a couple hundred steps though, so it was yet another trek up yet another tiny, winding staircase.
Hillary and John were ahead of me on the steps...
...and Hayes and Chase were behind me! Chase wasn't feeling cooperative.
Crooked beams
Inside the Cathedral
In all, it was a really neat tour. The bus trip back to London, however, took FOREVER because we were stuck in London rush hour traffic (Dr. King originally thought it was a half hour tour, not an HOUR and a half tour. So we were expected back waayyyyy before we actually got there. But it was OK because we got some excellent, hit-the-spot Pizza Hut when we landed at home base, and it was all OK).

Saturday was lazy. The rain continued (and is supposed to for the rest of the week), so we basically lazed about. Jacob came over and hung out last night, but it's been pretty low-key around here. We've got two big assignments due (that I'm avoiding by blogging and doing laundry), so everyone is pretty much resigned to being in the flat for the day again. But I need to get myself up and about. So I'm off! Happy belated October :)

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