Monday, October 18, 2010

Long Lost Lovers (of the Platonic Variety)

Katie Rose is exactly the same person. I mean, she's also totally different, but that's just because she's older. I had the BEST time this weekend, hanging out and rehashing old memories. But before all that...

Back in Killarney: Denny told me on Thursday night that I could check out any time I felt like it the next day, so I slept in a bit and had a leisurely breakfast. He was there when I was eating, so we had a lovely chat about how awesome I am. Meaning that I bitched and moaned about how sore I was from my bike ride, and he ever-so-kindly listened and commiserated and told me that the ride really did sound rough. Had some really good yogurt for breakfast along with my tea and toast, and left in a very good, peppy mood. Got a little bit stressed when I couldn't find the bus station right away, but I asked a lady in the parking lot where it was SUPPOSED TO BE, and she kindly told me that it was behind me, and pointed the way. We shared a laugh at my stupidity, and I arrived well within my cushion of extra time. I was on the noon bus to Limerick (and then on to a different bus to Galway), but I basically spent the entire time reading this book that I've started, called "In the Woods." It's awesome, and I've got about 80 pages left (because I finally had to make myself stop reading it so that I'd have some left to enjoy... it's going to be my reward for writing this blog post). Murder mystery, suspenseful book. Great :)

Arrived safely in Galway, texted KR, and went to wait for her outside TK Maxx (Same at TJ Maxx, just with a "K." Don't know why). She popped up out of nowhere, and we started talking. Didn't stop til I got on the bus this afternoon to leave. Well, we stopped to sleep. But besides that, nope. It was a marathon. We went to two pubs on Friday with one of the girls in her program, Tara, and then went out to a few pubs last night by ourselves. Friday we met some random guys who took us to a rugby pub a few blocks away, but they were acting like school girls. So when two of them decided to go to the bathroom together, we decided that we were ready to go, and went. It was a really chill kind of weekend, but I loved it. It was so so so good to catch up with Katie Rose (I mean, I went to school with her from K-12. But I hadn't seen her basically since graduating from high school except for when we ran into each other at church this past summer and found out that we were both going to be abroad this semester and made plans to visit each other). Loved it.

We spent a good portion of this morning battling the bad internet connections for me to book a hotel in Shannon so that I'm near to the airport for my flight back to London tomorrow. So here I am, in the Shannon Court Hotel, getting ready to hit the pillow. I'm probably forgetting to mention critical information about the weekend, but I can't think of anything right now. Talking was the main thing. If I think of anything, I'll write about it tomorrow. READING NOW! :)

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