Saturday, October 9, 2010

Craic is so not whack...

Had a beautiful time researching ways to get to Dingle on Sunday, and as I was finishing up, Patsy returned home and was ready to head out on our Grand Tour of Glenmornan. First stop was at Patsy and Ena's house (Patsy McGonigal, my dad's cousin. Not Patsy Kelly, who I'm staying with). Patsy wasn't home, but we had a lovely cup of tea with Ena. She told me all about how lovely my parents are, and how I'm the spitting image of Mom, always laughing and smiling. She was an absolute delight, and extended an invite for any time I'd like to visit in the future (or you, Dad and Mom). Next stop was at Patsy's mom's best friend's house. A handful of her grandkids were there, and one of them, the baby, had the most gorgeous head of dark, curly hair and bright green eyes. He was probably between 18 months and 2 years old, and when I asked him if his nap had been good, he replied, in his little baby voice, "Aye." There really is something about a baby saying aye that is beyond adorable. Take my word for it.

Left her house and headed for more McGonigals. Visited Patsy's brother, Liam, and had a GREAT visit. Patsy Kelly and I were a bit worried about stopping in, because Liam's been sick for a few years, but we decided that we might as well, and it ended up being the best visit of the day. I met Liam, but also met another cousin, Patricia, and they told me all about the fun they had when they met my dad. They were so much fun, and I wish we could have stayed longer than we even did; they were my kind of people.

Went to see the church where Grandmom was baptised, and saw my great-grandparents' grave at that same church. Also saw the house where Grandmom was raised. TINY. But the views... my God. The Glen is just beyond words or pictures beautiful. Not that I didn't try to capture it. And I've just discovered that this netbook computer won't let me access my pictures. So that means 10 more days of no pictures. GRRRR!

Anyway, the Glen is beyond beautiful. I'll show you when I get back to London. Left our tour of the Glen, and headed to Patsy (Kelly)'s parent's house. We had tea with his mom, his sister, Sharon, and his brother, Mikey. Bert was there when we first arrived, but left before tea. Mikey and hung out and had great craic (conversation/fun/bullshitting/etc) all night, and Sharon returned (she left for a bit) and joined in. Patsy got us some Chinese food, and it was grand. Just hanging out with my cousins. Ugh. So good. Bert re-joined us after an evening out, and promptly rendered my previous planning obsolete; he lives in Limerick with his wife and he was planning on returning tomorrow but, because I'm here, is going to delay his departure by a day so that he can take me south and shorten my journey to Dingle! So instead of being stuck on buses with strangers for 13 hours, I'll be in a car for 5 with a cousin and then 3 more with strangers who are just friends I've yet to meet :)

Early morning tomorrow (hah, we're leaving the house at 11), so I'm to bed.

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