Thursday, September 23, 2010

Who gets sick in London, anyway!?

I do, apparently. Been feeling under the weather for the last few days and was finally able to keep some food/water in my system. Didn't go to my first class this morning (sorry, Barnaby!), but it was a good thing because they walked all over creation; would not have sat well in a body that had only managed a few crackers in the previous 24 hours. After spending close to 18 hours mostly in bed, it was good to get out into the sunshine for a brief walk to the classroom for Shakespeare. Jean was feeling under the weather as well, so she cut class a bit short. Went to Waitrose (a more "American-style" grocery store than Sainsbury's), and found a broader range of crackers to choose from. Basically stocked up on sick food. Apple juice, crackers, bananas, jam, and nutrigrain bars (not really sick food, but I'll be happy to have them when I'm back to 100%). Ate some toast with raspberry jam tonight, and drank a kiddie, straw-bedecked apple juice which was delicious. So things are looking up. As well they should, because Chase and I are going to Scotland this weekend! And by weekend, I mean tomorrow!

So Scotland. I would like to say that I'll be searching out Nessie while in Scotland, but the Highlands where Loch Ness is located is really, really far from Glasgow/Edinburgh where I'll actually be staying. So no Nessie for me. Chase and I have spent the last while finishing up bookings of our hostels and buses etc, so we're really truly going. Woot! Don't have much else to say, really.

Will keep you posted.

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