Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The River and More New Friends

Sunday afternoon, went for a walk towards the Thames River with Hayes, Chase, John and Laura. Basically just wandered about down around Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square, and then crossed the river and saw some street performers under the London Eye (the massive ferris wheel thing overlooking the Thames).
Trafalgar square at an angle
Hayes (outside) and John (inside) modeling proper use of a London red phone booth
Big Ben!
A brilliant example of the beautiful cars that roam about London (this is for you, Anj)
Parliament and Big Ben from across the Thames
"Headeless" street performers
Returned to the flat after our walk and spent much of the night catching up on reading. Finished 1984 and started Animal Farm.

Monday morning we had our first "Politics of the British Novel" class with Dr. King, and after class, we worked on finalizing plans for a trip to Dublin that we're taking this weekend. John, Chase, Hayes, Jack, Ruthie and I are going to stay together (Hayes found a sweet deal at a hostel for 6 people to share a room), so we're headed out Thursday after class! Went to the train station to buy our tickets, and then stopped for some libations on our way back to the flat. I had a fantastic conversation with two little old men in the pub. They told me about how back in the day, Guinness was given to anyone who went to the hospital. I responded that "Guinness is, after all, good for you," and one grinned and informed me that "It's good for your sex life, too." Classy, hilarious, slightly-inappropriate old men; I reiterate... pub-going is a definite study in culture :)

John. That's all.
Yesterday, most of the students apparently moved back in to the University of London, so "our" pub was having some good deals. Frugal students that we are, we took advantage of the sales, and ended up meeting more new people! Kavey, Delaney, Antony and another guy whose name (sorry!) we forget are all law students at U of L, and we had a lot of fun discussing the dispersion of American culture (music primarily) into London's. They were lots of fun. Delaney was telling me about growing up in Wales... made me want to visit for sure.

Watched "The History Boys" in Brit L&C this morning, stopped at Sainsbury's (grocery store) on our way back to the flat and I made myself a FANTASTIC tomatoe and mozzarella sandwich on a baguette that was still hot when I sliced into it. Oh yeah. Be jealous.

Nothing exciting going today, probably, so I should probably do some laundry. I need clean socks. (See?Life isn't ALL pubs and fun here =]  )

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