Monday, November 4, 2019

House hunting

Last Thursday I went by the scuba shop to check in with the manager and generally introduce myself to anyone there who I might eventually work with. Success! EVERYONE I met was supremely nice, including an instructor who informed me she’s teaching a Rescue Diver course this (past) weekend and inviting me along as a refresher. I have to demonstrate the skills from that class in order to get certified as a Dive Master, so it seemed like a good idea. It was a blast. The other people in the class were a whole mixed bag of nationalities: Aussie, Kiwi, Welsh, British, Canadian, and me. The instructor was this fabulous woman named Kayla who took crap from NO one, and all three of the Dive Masters (DM) who assisted with the class were lovely. I spent the weekend basically listening to Kayla shouting as we attempted to rescue each other… over… and over… and over. It was exhausting, but a complete ball of fun because my classmates were so amazing. It was nice, too, to have people to go to the pub with after class! I’m making friends, y’all!!!

Last night a group of us went to this craft brewery in Fremantle, the town I’ve been staying in since leaving the DoubleTree, and it was pretty overwhelming. I didn’t expect it to be quite so large (my AirBnB host informs me it used to be a crocodile farm before converting to a brewery 15 years or so ago) or busy on a Sunday night, but it was HOPPING. The beer was cold, the service was fast, and the pizza was tasty. All in all, Little Creatures Brewing didn’t disappoint. I need to go back, though, to try a flight (called something else here. I think a paddle? My buddies were all laughing at me calling it a flight).

THERE ARE DRIVE THROUGH BEER/WINE/LIQUOR STORES HERE. They’re just lovely little shops that happen to have a driveway through them and they pop your beer right into the car. Colin, a guy from my class, was driving me back to the shop after dives yesterday and we stopped for libations (I’m all about the laid back approach to drinking here. No one batted an eye that we wanted to celebrate the end of the class at the shop by having a drink after our equipment was returned. Amazing.) and my mind was blown. I think we need to import those to the states. The one we went to was called the Thirsty Camel.

Today is apartment hunting day. I’ve seen 3 places so far, have two more scheduled and a bunch more that I’ve contacted. I’ve got to be out of my AirBnB by tomorrow afternoon, so I’m happy to have some good solid options on the table! I’m between viewings right now, sitting in a park in the Northbridge neighborhood of Perth watching a flock of ibises stroll around. This morning I spotted two wild cockatoos and two wild lorikeets. There are also some pigeons, but I’ve seen those before without having to go to the zoo! I’m trying to stay in the shade because the sun here is wicked. I got cooked yesterday from being out on the water – my hands and face both (everything else was covered by wetsuit) – and I have this ridiculous tan line on my face where my mask rubbed the sunscreen off. So my cheeks and jaw aren’t burned, but an oval shape around my eyeballs is. Good looking.

Ibis in the park

I need to practice date writing. Everyone here lists the day then the month then the year instead of month, day, year. I’m sure I’m going to mess something important up with that at some point - I already did before arriving when I registered for my DM class, but recovered from that embarrassment – but I can just see it happening one of these days on a flight or other transit booking and being very perplexed. Will practice.

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