Sunday, July 21, 2019

Day 41: Home Sweet Home

Today was a sleep in day before our last leg of the trip. I’ve never been to Michigan and our hotel was a half mile from the border, so we popped over just to say we had. I've also fallen way behind in my blogging, so I’m hunkered down in the back seat working on this while Dad drives. We’re on the Ohio Turnpike right now and I’m hoping to get these posted from our next WiFi spot – Havertown!

Pennsylvania's Welcome Center on I-80 has a Peter Toth statue, too!

The last one we saw was in Valdez, AK

Today was a slog for me. My allergies are in full swing because I keep forgetting to take my medicine, so I was pretty cranky all day. Poor Mom and Dad. We stopped for lunch at the Twilight Diner near Lock Haven, PA where Dad accused me of posting a dorky photo of him at Mount Rushmore on Facebook. I had no recollection of doing so, and was gratified to learn that he himself posted the photo. Headache or no, Mom and I had a lot of fun laughing at him over that one.

We pulled onto Prescott Road at 8:47pm and thanked our lucky stars for wonderful friends and family who equipped us with fresh food staples like milk and eggs, turned on our A/C so we didn't melt when we got home to this heat wave, and kept Beaky and my worm farm alive. Between the physical support and the emotional support it's been an adventure, and our clan helped make it all possible! We love you guys!!!

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