Monday, July 8, 2019

Day 28: Glacier Redundancies

Woke up to the smell of blueberry pancakes rolling through the cabin and made my way down the ladder to eat before I was even properly awake. A+ pancakes courtesy of the Papa Bear. After breakfast I abandoned ship for the day. M&D planned a walk over to a salmon weir in the neighborhood (some elevator mechanism to help salmon get upstream while still allowing human control over their numbers) and I headed back to Exit Glacier to hike up towards the Icefield that feeds the glacier. The hike was billed “strenuous,” so M&D had the sense to decline. I am stupid, however, so I went ahead and hiked it. Can confirm: strenuous. In talking with the park ranger, I found out that an avalanche at the end of June blocked up the last portion of the trail and the park service only just removed the avalanche warning signs yesterday. I went until I reached snow and then called it a day – I didn’t fancy hiking back 4 miles in wet shoes. The views that I got were magnificent, so I can only imagine what the look out over the entire icefield was like.

Exit Glacier & the edge of the Harding Icefield (far right)

4ish hours round trip and then back home to rally the troops for dinner. We ate at a place recommended by our hosts, the Resurrection Roadhouse (Seward overlooks Resurrection Bay), and it was excellent. It’s 8:15 now and our WiFi is out which, thank goodness, gives me an excuse to just head to bed instead of posting this. Night!

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