Tuesday, January 17, 2023

"Funemployment" November

Those final weeks at the Pub were a whirlwind, and the weeks following were filled with joy amidst my grief. Mom-Mom passed away a week after I finished working, so I had more time to process my feelings than I could have hoped. I am so lucky to have a support system here that gave me space to just cry when needed, and to laugh when needed, and to love me through it all. 

Manager crew with Baby Theo, the Pub Baby

Potshot crew

Emmet and Kellie, my favorite musicians who perform at the pub, played on my last Friday night

The first weeks of my "funemployment" were filled with camping and soaking up everything Exmouth has to offer. Jess and I finished up at the Pub two weeks apart, but her plan was to leave Exmouth and move back to her hometown in Victoria. She wanted nothing more than to fill those final weeks with lots of memories here, so we spent many nights camping, days out on the water, and did our best to make memories every moment. 

Camping with Sapphy test trip

Jackson and Kirsty got bogged on the way to the campsite

South Lefroy sunset

Fishing with Pipes

Cocktails at Mantarays

Jess invited me along for two nights at the fancy hotel in town, Mantarays

Heck of a way to ring in Thanksgiving

At the end of the month, I flew down to Perth for a week to catch up with Kieran. My only request for the trip was that we spend time in cooler weather than Exmouth and see some trees. Man, did he deliver! We spent most of the week by the Greater Beedelup National Park in the middle of some giant eucalyptus forests. 


Perth Bell Tower with Kieran

Bush walk in the Perth hills

Greater Bedelup National Park

We basically spent the week in the middle of the forest, with very limited cell service, and just drank wine and ate cheese. There were fresh water lakes to freeze in, wildflowers in bloom everywhere, and the property we stayed at had no other people staying there, so we just roamed the property looking at trees and birds and flowers. It was exactly the dose of nature and the disconnecting from the world that I was craving. 

After Kieran flew back home to Broome, I caught up with more friends in Perth!

Sutts and Boonie, some of the boys from the Exmouth Pub who've moved back to Perth

Boonie's grand-dogs, Mischief and Trouble

Back to Exmouth for a quick stop over before leaving on my ACTUAL holiday - a roadtrip to Victoria to help Jess move home!

Jess' goodbye snorkel at Turquoise Bay

Jess and Gaia

Welcome to the Ningaloo Reef

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