Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Stu-ella DeVille

It's hard to believe I've been back in Australia for a month now from my visit home to the States. That trip was wonderful in every way. I got to see heaps of family and friends, watch my brother and sister-in-law Anna get married (along with two other family weddings while I was home), meet two BRAND NEW babies who were kind enough to exit the womb while I was State-side and several more who have come into the world in the three years I was away. I spent time at the shore and in my parents' back yard. Ate cheesesteaks and hoagies and soft pretzels. Friends have gotten married, bought houses, begun new jobs. Family came out of the woodwork to welcome me back for my visit. And I got to soak it all up for 5 glorious weeks of holiday. 

Andrew & Anna's wedding, with Mom, Dad, & Mom-Mom

With my Mama at cousin Hannah's wedding

Scotty, who trained me in how to put up with creepy old dudes at any bar

Beachin' it with Dad

Fam Shore Squad

Birds of a Feather

Tess, the newest member of the Road Fam

Rachael agreed to tourist Philly with me

Meggie's half-marathon. Rachael made the impressive signs.

Baby Peter, my 2nd-youngest new friend

Frannie's wedding

Being back has seemed both very fast and very slow. The first week or so of my return was spent trying to get my bearings. Matty picked me up at the airport, helped me get my room unpacked (a friend had stayed in my house while I was gone, so everything was stored), and then we spent the rest of the day out in his new boat, Blue Jay. I had work the next morning - the Aussie football Grand Final, their Superbowl equivalent - and had a very hard time getting my head in the game. Leaving the States was emotional, and I was jetlagged, and going back to work did not appeal. I only worked a few hours to help the team get through the worst of the rush and then had Sunday off - back out on the boat with Matty and Jess to do some very lazy fishing and sunning.

Perhaps it was the emotional rollercoaster of going back home to the States and then coming back home to Exmouth - and holding both of these places in my heart and head as home at once - or maybe the holiday just helped me realize how I really feel, but I went back to work on Monday feeling very out of sorts. I just did not want to be there and couldn't shake the feeling. I don't like feeling checked out at work, but I just couldn't seem to get my brain to engage enough to get checked in. On Wednesday, I gave my notice. 

I've spent 2 and a half years loving my job and now I just don't anymore. I don't know what I want to do, but I know I don't want to be a bar tender for a little while. I gave 6 weeks notice, and have promised to stick around until after Melbourne Cup, "the horse race that stops the country." It's a huge bar day, so I'll help with that at the start of November and then figure things out from there. I've got some plans for November and December. Lots of camping and visiting with friends both here in Exmouth and down south in Perth, then a big road trip with Jess to her hometown in Victoria. She's also given her notice at the Pub and will finish up two weeks after me, but she's leaving Exmouth to move back east. I'll go along for the drive and finally get to see some more of Australia than just WA! I'll spend Christmas out east and then come back to Exy in the new year. Beyond that, I'm winging it. So here's to new adventures!

I felt a huge relief once my notice was given at the Pub, and I'm currently 3 weeks down, 3 to go. Life hasn't stopped though. Last weekend was the annual Exmouth Wholesalers Golf Tournament and we had a costume contest to win! Channy is currently away on a Central/South American adventure, so Mia, Stewie, and I recruited another worker at the Pub, Sophie, to our team. This year's theme: Stu-ella DeVille and his Dalmatians!

We won!

Stewie said it only took him about a half hour to wash the black dye out of his hair, so we'll chalk that up as a second win for the day. 

Gaia and I spent yesterday afternoon at the beach having a good long catch up and then went back to her house where Rhys had a roast in the oven waiting for us. Even amidst all this self-inflicted change and confusion, it is wonderful to have friends in my life. I am so very, very lucky. 

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