Sunday, March 14, 2021

Back to work

 It's been so much fun getting re-settled into life in Exmouth. I've listened to as much teasing about me leaving ("ya didn't last very long without us!") as I have gotten hugs to celebrate my return. I've been busy at the pub 5 days a week with Sundays/Mondays off so far. I've been out in the water a few times, whether it's been solo snorkels at Turquoise Bay (a little black tip reef shark came to visit me less than 5 minutes after I got in the water and was so curious! She swam with me for maybe 5 minutes before getting scared of me, and fair enough: I was twice as long as her), boat snorkels with friends, or more dives with co-workers. 

Two weekends ago I went out with my friend Mitch and a guy, Will, who was staying in the area for a bit during his sailing circumnavigation of Australia. They went spear fishing and I snorkeled and it was a beautiful day on the water. 


Ten-ish days ago my workmates at the dive shop did a group training day out on the water to prep for the season. We practiced fire drills, man overboard drills, rescue scenarios, and did some in-water work "practicing" swimming with whalesharks. Man, how good is that!? It was a gorgeous day to be out and it was really fun to meet some of the new staff we've hired for the season. 

EDC boat crew


Last weekend my friend Paul, one of the chefs at the Pub, was having a party to celebrate the (probable) victory of his soccer team, the Glasgow Rangers, as they fought for their first league championship title in a decade. Statistically it was nearly clinched, but he figured they would get it for sure in their game last weekend. So last Saturday I was made an honorary Rangers fan (I now have my own jersey, courtesy of Paul who buys new ones EVERY YEAR) and got to participate in the celebrations, complete with champagne and blue & red smoke bombs (the team colors). 

The lighting of the smoke bombs

Scottish Paul

Sunday afternoon I went with Jess and her twin sister, Bri, to look for sea turtle hatchlings along the coast. We weren't successful, but I was invited to join the girls at Bri's in-laws house for Sunday roast dinner! Andy and Martha are a VERY kind Scottish couple who've lived all over the world, but have been in Australia for 45 years. I had my first Yorkshire pudding and was reminded of that many Slop Dinners at home with M&D - homesickness strikes at the strangest times. They're so beautiful and Martha sent me home with a selection of books from her personal library to read and Andy reminded me that their door is always open, whether or not they're actually home. They both pointed out that they keep chocolates on the bottom shelf of the fridge, so I should help myself if I'm there when they aren't. Absolute legends.

Monday I tried again for turtles, round two, with Corinne and Gabi from EDC. Again, no luck, but a lovely evening spent walking along the coast, watching the sun set and catching up with lovely humans. 

Corinne and Gabi

Monday morning was actually spent diving the Navy Pier again! I don't want to get too much into it because I borrowed a camera and (fingers crossed!) should have photos coming that I took that day! I never did a proper Navy Pier post from the first time, but really really really hoping that I can this go around. 

The rest of this past week has been spent at the Pub, working and training new hires. Western Australia's biggest fishing competition, GameX, happens in Exmouth and most of the competitors trickled into town throughout the week so by Friday there were lots and lots of folks about. It was our first properly busy Friday in some time and I was reminded how much I'm enjoying being a bar tender. Some of my EDC friends came through and several remarked how happy I looked behind the bar. It's so cool having not one but TWO jobs that I enjoy in entirely different ways. I am so extraordinarily fortunate to be living this incredible life, meeting beautiful people, and learning new things about myself every day. 

I got to catch up with some of my geefies (girlfriends) from home a couple of days ago and it made me so incredibly happy to see their faces and make the same old jokes. Then yesterday was Dad's birthday and this comic, by an artist called Nathan Pyle,  popped up on my Facebook:

As happy as I am here, and I truly, truly am, I sure do wish I could be aggravated by my distant beings again. Until that day comes around, I'm just gonna soak up every magical thing this place has to offer! Today that meant having some breakfast with my friend Tash; chatting and laughing with Glenda, one of my neighbors and a long-time employee at the Pub that I had to work hard to win over; getting ready to meet up with Stewie at the Trussy (the local RSL [Returned and Services League] which is Australia's version of a VFW post) for a cheeky drink; making plans with Jess and Sophie to get dinner before going to a comedy show at Froth tonight with them as well as Corinne and Tash. The richness of my community here is honestly mind-blowing when I stop and give it any thought at all. I'm gonna get all sappy here and Stewie, my gray hair twin, will only tease me if I show up late because I've been moping about, so I'd better get going! Fingers crossed for cool underwater sealife photos in the next few days!!!

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