Saturday, May 16, 2020

Good Good Day

You know those days that are just a little golden around the edges? Not necessarily because everything goes to plan or some noteworthy achievement occurs, but just because it feels satisfying in your bones? Today was one of those days.

Yesterday we three housemates were peevish at our landlord. Without getting too far into it (I'll just get myself worked up again), he's been here every day this week and is pushing all our buttons. The day started with him showing up in the morning, unannounced and while we were all still in our pjs, to show the 4th room in the house to a prospective new housemate. That pretty much set the tone for the day - and not in a good way. 

**This is the point where I should mention that Irena, my Russian housemate, moved out rather abruptly on Wiebke's birthday on May 1! It was a little dramatic and awkward because she told us as she was literally walking out the door with her suitcases, but it's meant that the last two weeks have been glorious because it's just the three amigos in the house and we're borderline obsessed with each other and every day is full of fun and laughter and sunshine. We just cook meals and watch movies and sip tea together every day and it feels so wholesome! So it's Irena's former room that my landlord was showing.**

Anyway, after yesterday being frustrating, today was such a gift. Had a weird dream about Wiebke and I trying to scare away an intruder who was attempting to kidnap us from my parents' house in Havertown, but from there everything was smooth sailing! Woke up. Chatted with the Papa Bear. Made some green tea with jasmine. All good stuff. 

Last week I finally made some scones from a McKee cousin's recipe and Weronika and I ate 80% of them straight out of the oven. Obviously, I slathered mine with double cream. We managed to save one for Wiebke, gave one to my landlord (who was - surprise! - at our house!), and otherwise they went straight into the bellies. Today, I wised up and made a double batch. Planned to give half to Nat to bring to her in-laws as a thank you for inviting me to Mother's Day dinner last weekend (can I just say it was so wonderful to have a Mom in hugging range on Mother's Day since I couldn't see my own Mama?!). So anyway, fresh baked blueberry scones, walked myself over to Nat's to drop off hers (spoiler alert: we ate them all, so I need to make more for her in-laws) and ended up hanging out for a few hours in the sunshine. 

Blueberry Scones

Have I showed you Nat's dog, Cooper, yet? He's a total sweetie. We went to the dog beach together last weekend, just the two of us, and it was wonnnnnderfullllllll!

Popped myself back home and decided it was too nice to be inside, so I did some weeding and pruning in the garden. Sitting in the grass made me a little itchy but I wanted to exercise before showering so I headed out for a run along the river, did a little yoga in the riverside park (which, duh, made me more itchy - I'm not the brightest bulb), and made it home a little before 5. Now I know I've waxed eloquent about this fancy, non-homogenized, full cream chocolate milk, but I don't remember if I told you that I got it at a fancy grocery store in the CBD (Central Business District AKA downtown Perth), not in my neighborhood. Well post-run Kate reaaaaaaally wanted some of that chocolate milk (my college swim coach always made us drink chocolate milk as an after workout recovery drink and I've used that reasoning to justify all chocolate milk purchases in the last ten years since I stopped swimming) and did some internet sleuthing to realize there's another fancy grocery store only 2 miles from my house! So away I went.

Got a little overzealous in my pruning efforts but now we get this beauty in the house!

Fancy local grocery store totally didn't disappoint. I got the chocolate milk, some produce, some fresh sourdough - all the good stuff. Both of the Ws are out on dates tonight, so when I got home I started blasting music, made myself some toast with the fresh sourdough and ricotta and basil from the garden, and successfully stopped myself from drinking the entire container of chocolate milk! 

Stopped by the side of the road on the drive home from the grocery store to snap this. 

Even my shower was so good. And now I'm wrapped up in my new-to-me huge robe that I got last week at the op shop (opportunity shop = thrift shop) and my new Ugg boots that I got on sale (I'm in Australia, so they're required winter gear), and I've got a really great '70s playlist that I'm jamming to! Life is so good, y'all.

Ricotta toast

So I started my day with a happy conversation with Dad and some tea and seem to be ending it with a happy blog post missive to you all and some honey chamomile tea! I think I'll go watch a cheesy movie, or maybe some episodes of the West Wing. I love days like today. And I love all of you! 

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