Monday, June 10, 2019

Dad's Retirement Roadtrip

My Dad retired in April and, God help him, he asked me to drive with him to Alaska. It's been a dream of his for ages to do it, but he had originally planned to ask some buddies to make the journey because Mom, Andrew and I were NOT interested. Somewhere along the line I changed my tune from "hell no" to "possibly" to suddenly deciding I'd just plan the whole dang thing for him. Mom decided she couldn't be left out of the fun. Andrew is the only one of us with sense, so he courteously agreed to guard the homestead while we all try to peacefully co-exist for 6 weeks in one car.

Here's the general shape of our journey:

We'll head west through Denver, visit cousins out there, then swing north through Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Glacier, Banff, Jasper and the Canadian Rockies. On the return journey, we'll take a ferry from Whittier, AK to Bellingham, WA to cut out 1200 miles or so of driving. Then back east! The map isn't 100% true to the shape of our journey, but it's close.

Anyone who knows us knows that my Mom and I are essentially the same person, just different ages. So my poor Dad is going to be outnumbered. We decided that I'll keep this blog with MY thoughts on our progress as we roll onward and he'll send out the Daily Report to anyone who wants it. *Cool note about my Dad - he started sending a daily update email to my brother and me when Anj left home for college. Daily musings on cloud formations, politics, what he and my Mom are up to; that sort of thing. All these years later he keeps it up and we get a little insight into the inner workings of my Dad's brain.

All that to say: we leave in 9 hours* (*remains to be seen). Plan is to try and make it to Indy tomorrow on Day 1, but I'll keep ya posted!

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