Saturday, August 25, 2018

Travel SNAFUs are normal: Day 5

Day 5: SNAFU

Our lovely hotel placed us not far from Glasgow where our scheduled flight would scoot us back to Birmingham and then home. We left early enough to get in a final drive, and what a drive it was! On our way in, we drove through Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park but really only got to try out the Loch Lomond portion. For our final drive of the trip, we routed ourselves through the Trossachs. If I may, that was some of our favorite driving the whole trip.

The day was overcast which served as a perfect counterpoint to the ridiculously dry, bright, clear weather we'd had all along. It reinforced how absolutely lucky we were the whole trip, but it also let us focus on the ridiculous curvy roads we were on! We had such a blast, I can't even convey it with words. Total rush.

But then we had to go home. So we made our way to the airport, returned our trusty rental car, and settled in to wait for our flight.

Turns out we were gonna wait for a while.

Turns out our flight was delayed enough that we missed our International Connection. Which, incidentally, was booked as a separate reservation and so there was no recourse for us being idiots and not budgeting adequate time to get there. For those of you who know my brother, this was not ideal. He is a worrier. An angry worrier. So I took the reins and started making plans. Gave Mom a call and got her researching flights. By the time our flight was boarding, we had a new plan: travel to Birmingham. Flight to Dublin. Flight to Reykjavic. Flight home. Not only would we get home a mere 24 hours late, we'd also have an 8 hour layover in Iceland! Possibilities abound! We went from being a very unhappy, fretful crew of two to a pair of super hyped travelers who solutioned the shit out of this problem! We were sad to leave Scotland, but what better way to do so than with a whole new adventure awaiting us!?

Goodbye Scotland, hello accidental adventure!

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