Hello, Internet Universe, it's me, Kate (I feel like this is an appropriate greeting for my first-ever blog post). Since I'm not entirely sure what I want this blog to be beyond a journal of my experiences traveling through London and other parts of the UK/Europe this semester, I'm going to keep it open ended.
I woke up this morning after having a really funky dream that I still had my braces and they had managed to partially fall off while I was at a slumber party with some girls from high school. This minor detail did not, however, stop me from flirting with one of the girls' older brothers and his friend when they walked into the room. Typical? Maybe. Why am I so bizarre?
The dream was strange, but at least I slept last night; it was my last night in my cozy cloud of a bed at home in the States. In less than 24 hours, I will be headed across the great wide wonder that we call the Atlantic Ocean, and moving into my new flat in foggy London town. At this point, I could go into the mixed emotions that I'm experiencing, but I'm not really in the mood. Rather, I'll leave you with this quote from the cover of the journal that my best friend gave me before she headed up to school in the BX... "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined." Thoreau knows his shit. So that's my plan for the next three months; to live up to Thoreau's words (maybe London will become my Walden).
(Here I want to have a snazzy send-off moniker, like Gossip Girl "You know you love me! xoxo" but I don't think I have it in me this morning to decide on one. So until next time, imagine, please, that I've left a really neat, fitting one. Thanks for your help, Internet Blogosphere)
PS If anyone actually does decide to follow me on this, I apologize in advance if I turn into one of those people who is constantly updating her blog. That would get old, I imagine, reading my thoughts all the time. I'm really not that interesting.
I know it's a bitlate but I thought Id show you some creeper love. Here's a snazzy send off http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p2eBA-7OZE